What To Expect
Boat Ride
Total Time: 45 minutes
Time On The Banana Boat: 20 Minutes
Photo Package
Digital Photo Package: $35
Age Requirements & Amount
Must Be Atleast 7 Years Old
6 People Minimum / 12 People Maximum
Arrive 20 Minutes Ahead Of Check-In Time
See Parking & Directions HERE
$40 Per Person
$40 Per Observer
What To Wear
A Bathing Suit With A Coverup Or Shirt
Wear Sunscreen
Banana Boat Rides take place in the ocean or the Shark River bay. The location is decided by the captain taking into consideration the ocean conditions, high tide and our schedule for the day.
Cancellation Policy
Payment in full is required to hold a reservation. There will be no refunds for any reservations not cancelled within 24 hours notice or doing a no show.
Reservation Policy
Weather related cancellations are determined by the management and are 100% refundable. If you think the weather is questionable, please call us at (732) 681-8359. We will let you know if your trip has been cancelled.
*Digital waivers needs to be signed prior to arrival for your reservation. If you are under 18, your parent needs to sign the waiver.
**If you are PREGNANT, have a HEART CONDITION, BACK PAIN or need a WALKER to get onto our dock or boat we are unable to accommodate you on our boat as per insurance requirements.